Friday, December 16, 2011

Seat Cushion Cover Tutorial

Buy foam and cut into desired size.  I'm making a window seat cushion, my piece of foam is 2' x 5' x 2".
Lay foam on the wrong side of the fabric and draw around the foam, use a pen or chalk that wont show through the fabric. I used a yellow marker, I could kinda see in on the other side.  You will add side length and seam allowance when you're cutting.
Using my rotary cutter I measured half the width + seam allowance away from the foam line (drawn in yellow) and cut.  My foam is two inches thick and I'm giving myself 1/2 inch seam allowance.  So I cut 1.5 inches from the yellow foam line.
 Then I mitered the corners.  I folded each corner into a 45 degree angle and sewed a line 90 degrees from the yellow foam line.
 I hate zippers, and every time I put one in I have to re-learn how to.  So this is how I do zippers, but if you have a better way -- use it.  I laid down my zipper and pinned the fabric where the zipper began and ended.
I sewed between the pins using a basting stitch.  I then picked every third stitch so it would come undone easily.
 I pressed open the fabric from where I just sewed and laid my zipper on the inside.
I pinned it in place, and used my  machine's zipper foot to sew it in place.  I back-stitched at the beginning and end.
Next I zipped it closed. Flipped the fabric completely over so the right side was up and started sewing the other side in place. You may want to place a few pins to keep everything in place.  I had to unzip the zipper to sew at the very top of the zipper tape.
 I then pulled the seam apart, here's where the picked stitches come in handy.  That's how I put in my invisible zipper.
Finally, I pinned the whole thing together, pinning the corners first and working towards the middle, and sewed it together.  Remember to open the zipper a little before sewing, so you can easily turn it inside out.  And TA-DA a seat cover.
Here is my princess laying on her finished window seat cushion.
Then I used Steam-a-Seam and ironed on some cute butterflies in coordinating fabric colors.

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