Saturday, January 9, 2010

Josephine's First Christmas

For Christmas Josephine got her first mode of transportation - a cherry red convertible walker. Boy she was excited.

Later she played on her new baby gym. It's been helping her reach and grab items. It's a lot of fun to see her developments. This Christmas she made out like a bandit.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


This week I had the excellent opportunity of going to Oregon and doing some genealogy work with my Grandma Atkinson. I'd heard from my dad that she had a family tree. Boy was he wrong. At first we couldn't figure out what it was. Then we realized it was an estate claim made back in the 1800s. One of my ancestors wrote down every name he knew to prove his relationship with Andew House's estate. It's kinda weird, and needs to be untangled, but it's also so cool! This is going to be my project for the next several months - untangle the estate claim to create my family tree. If I succeed I could be a Daughter of the Revolution, which is also pretty neat.

I'll also be scrapbooking for Josephine.