Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Chatty Kathy

Josephine is a very social child. We're at Grandma and Grandpa Spencer's house and the last two nights during dinner she's stolen the show. She has discovered, and perfected, how to take out her binky and put it back in. This allows her to talk, or coo, while still enjoying her binky. She has such a strong personality already. She loves people and smiling at them, she's very social. It's amazing to me that her spirit is alfready showing through at just 4 months old.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Josephine Lifting Her Head

On Thursday Russell and I went shopping for Christmas. While at the mall I stopped to change Josephine. At one point I turned her onto her stomach and she popped her head right up. This was the first time she'd lifted her head like this while on her stomach. Here's a video catching her in the act.

Also, I finished my last day of college yesterday. I'm a bit sad, I miss Dr. Leukel and the 5th grade class.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


For starters we had a babysitter, or rather two because Russell's parents were in town for Thanksgiving. So, yesterday we won our football game against Utah in overtime. Afterwards we totally rushed the field, which included jumping over the railing that lines the field.

Above is Russell and the score board, below is the crowd with Max Hall crowd surfing.


Russell and I are family history consultants. We had decided that one of us would go home because Josephine is so young and it's RSV season. But we got called and so we are teaching a Sunday school class - so neither of us are going home. Today right at the end of Sunday school she had a blow out all over herself and the car seat...I was able to change her and get her home. I laid her down in her crib, she reached up, pulled down her sheep, and cuddled right up to it. I thought it was so sweet that I snapped a couple pictures, which woke her up, but it was worth it.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Independent Study

Throughout the course of my education I have completed a whole semester via independent study. Tomorrow I am scheduled to take my very last independent study final, my final final for the rest of my undergrad. I couldn't be more excited! To celebrate here's Josephine experiencing the same peace and joy I will have once I'm done.

Friday, November 20, 2009

It's Nearly Over

Just a quick update. Josephine is growing like a bean sprout. She chats all the time with Russell and I. I have some videos to upload, just have to find time.

I only have three weeks of teaching left before I graduate! YAY! I'm really enjoying teaching though, fifth grade is a blast.
Here are some recent pictures.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Josephine's Baby Blessing

Last Sunday we blessed Josephine at her grandparents house in Boise. I didn't know that you could do baby blessings at home, but you can. Also, she did a great job traveling the 6 hours to Boise - much bettter than her mother did.
Four generations of Spencers.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Josephine Lynn Spencer

We planned our induction for Tuesday the 25th, then I went into labor on Monday morning the 24. So we have a beautiful little girl whose stats are: 6 lbs 9 oz, 20.5 inches long, was purple in color, she's in the 11th percentile for weight and 72nd percentile for height. So she's skinny and tall, but fits into her newborn clothes rather well. Something that's been shocking and suprising is that she smiles in her sleep.

outfit going home.

proud dad

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Inducing Labor

I've decided that the reason there's no homeopathic way to induce labor is to protect our babies from one crazy mother who was just so done with being pregnant that she took nature into her own hands. I know I'm not due for another week (we're inducing on Monday), but I really want to be not pregnant!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Getting ready

Tomorrow I'm 37 weeks along which is full term, so Russell and I decided we needed to be ready. I packed the hospital bags for me and the baby and Russell built the bassinet.
Here are some pictures.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Baby Shower

I had a baby shower on Thursday, and it was a bunch of fun. Got some super cute little girl clothes, I'm so excited! I only have five weeks to go.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Getting too big!

So last week, the baby got bigger than the oven. I could tell this from three things.
1. I can feel all of the baby's movements.
2. My stomach no longer feels like there's room for digestion.
3. I have trouble breathing at night.

The worst part of it all is that I'm waking up twice a night to use the bathroom. However, it's very sweet when you're baby is doing the mamba and you can feel all the dance steps. I count my blessings every day though because I'm a heavy sleeper! Which means that when the baby is moving in the night I don't feel it and it doesn't wake me up.

Only two and a half months to go....I'm so excited.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Baby Profile

This last Monday I got my third ultrasound. I got this one because the baby had it's face burrowed into my spine during the last one. So, during this ultrasound the technician showed me the baby's nose and it's little mouth. I was exicted because I thought the ultrasound might tell us whose features she'd be inheriting. However, I couldn't really tell. Here's the picture she gave us - what do you think?

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Cute Crafts

This week I was invited to a baby shower and wasn't sure what to I found the cutest crochet pattern and whipped this up:
The hat has a little flower. The booties have rolled down top with some really cute laces (to keep them on baby's feet). I can't get over how cute they are.

Monday, April 27, 2009


I have been working on this quilt since last summer, and I'm proud to announce I have finished the whole top.

Russell's Graduation

On Thursday Russell was one of 6,000 students at commencement, and on Friday he was one of 150ish students graduating from Law School. Couldn't be prouder!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I finished her baby blanket. It's amazing what you can get done with motivation! It's sitting on Grandma Spencer's rocking chair, kinda neat.

Monday, April 13, 2009

It's A Girl!!

So, we planned to find out on Wednesday what we are having, but I was too impatient. I moved the appointment up a week. Thus, we're having a girl! Here's her showing us she has five fingers. Here's her five toes. The techincian wanted a picture of her face, but she was curled against my spine.

P.S. Russell got to feel her kicking Saturday night, pretty exciting.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Little Kicks

Yesterday, while I was bored out of my mind in one of my classes, and trying not to fall asleep, I focused on my tummy. I'd been asked that day by my mother-in-law if I'd ever felt the baby kick, which I hadn't. But, while sitting in my class I felt the baby squirming around inside, it kicked four times.

I'm writing now because its doing it's kicking!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Before and in the middle

My baby bump just started showing, and many people have made requests for a picture. So, here's a before the bump and after the bump. Also, we'll be finding out on April 15th what the baby is. We're pretty excited. I also started my girl baby blanket.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Baby Blanket

I've been working on this blanket since my birthday (the yarn was one of my presents). So I'm nearly done, about one row to go. I know it's for a boy, but we wont know what we're having for another month. Now I'm gonna start on a girls blanket.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Baby's First Picture

Here's baby Spencer #1. It was two inches long in the photo and its heart beat was 140 beats per minute. It's waving.

Our delivery date is somewhere between August 27th and August 29th. Pretty exciting.

As of now, the baby's three - four inches long.