Monday, March 9, 2009

Baby Blanket

I've been working on this blanket since my birthday (the yarn was one of my presents). So I'm nearly done, about one row to go. I know it's for a boy, but we wont know what we're having for another month. Now I'm gonna start on a girls blanket.


  1. Wow! It looks great. I admire your patience to finish a project like that.

  2. no feelings as to what you're having eh? I knew with this one. I knew it was a boy.

  3. Sorry that wasn't supposed to sign in as Chad... Oh well. This is Amanda C.

  4. The blanket is so cute! Steve asked if you did it in patches or did you do it row by row? He says that you are very crafty, but I always knew that!

  5. I did the blanket in patches. I'd like to do a girl blanket in rows
