Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Week 4 My Body

This week we were talking about our bodies.  Some simple objectives:
  1. Identify body parts 
  2. Name body parts 
  3. Identify good and bad touches
I started off our week by having my daughter put together a paper doll.  I used this activity to encourage discussion about getting dressed and naming body parts, it was also a nice small motor activity for her. 

 She was pretty excited that the doll looked like her and was a ballerina.

How can you talk about your body without a few rounds of Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes? We sang it slow, we sang it fast, and we sang it normal.  We had a good laugh each time.

Then we went a little book crazy! We read I Can Do It Myself by Diane Adams, Horns and Toes and In Between by Sandra Boynton, Two Hands, Two Feet by Rick Walton, Crazy Clothes by Niki Yektai, and Head to Toe by Eric Carle.  Maybe we didn't go too crazy.

Lastly, we discussed good touches and bad touches.  My daughter is at an appropriate age to discern between good and bad touches.  I had her brainstorm a list of good touches
  • kisses, hugs, gentle touches
Then a list of bad touches
  • pinching, biting, hitting, kicking
My husband and I felt it was important to include talking about inappropriate touches.  While talking about bad touches I stated that we shouldn't let people touch our privates. And that if someone asks to touch our privates, we should tell them No and then tell our mom or dad.

We now have four sight words - the, and, you, it - I took the sight words and laid them out.  I then read I Can Do It Myself  and Crazy Clothes,  I would pause for every sight word, touch the word, and have my daughter read the word for the story to continue.  It took a couple pages for us to get the gist, but she knows her four words really well now.  I will do this activity again.

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