Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Week 6 Rhyming

I think I've said before that my preschool schedule is more like an outline.  This week was another week where I mixed things up.  Monday morning we were having a breakfast conversation about rhyming.  My sweet daughter was pretty adamant that rhyming is alliteration.  That words that start with the same sound rhyme.  So I knew we needed to talk about rhyming this week.

We started with the nursery rhyme "To Market, To Market" and identified the words that rhymed.  We wrote them down.  I then had my daughter underline the part of the words that were the same.  I thought this would help solidify the concept that rhyming words end in the same way.

I made a rhyming matching game.  On the back I wrote the word and on the front I put a picture of the word.  She was having a hard time with hearing the rhyme, but when she'd flip them over and see the matching words she could pair them easily.

In addition to the rhyming game, I had her listen to some nursery rhymes on The Talking Mother Goose app.  This app reads the nursery rhymes aloud.  We got a couple stuck in our heads and went around repeating them all week. Another fun extension would have been to speak in rhyme.  I didn't do that, but you certainly can.

Lastly, we read some word family books.  We found them at a garage sale, and I've been using them to help her learn reading. While we read them I pointed out that all the words in the word family rhymed because they ended the same way.

Here we are after we talked about the upcoming holiday Thanksgiving.  We're decorating our windows with turkeys and pilgrims.

Remember that letter that we sent Grandma?  Well she sent back a whole bag of leaves, acorns, and some tree seeds.  Grandma's sure are wonderful.

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